
Sunday, March 23, 2008


I forced myself to finish the crappy book I started last week and now looking for something to erase the bad taste it left in my mouth. I'm standing in front of stacks of books, floor-to-ceiling, and have this feeling of "nothing to read". Kind of like when you're stuck with a full closet and nothing to wear. Any recommendations?

Cousteau- The Last Good Day of the Year. I'm not the only one who likes them, right?

frequently worn outfit or item
A pair of show-stopping Emilio Pucci platform boots. I've been wearing them for several years now that they almost qualify as vintage.

Dzing! Sometimes you just need an entire circus.

Sesame broccoli and tofu in a sweet & sour sauce.

Oolong tea.

guilty pleasure
Ferrero Rocher. May the Goddess of Waistlines have mercy on my soul.

bane of my existence
My existence is currently bane-less. If you don't count the guilt from the item above.

Jumpa Lahiri's upcoming book. I loved both her short stories (Interpreter of Maladies) and her first novel, The Namesake.

I'm trying to make up my mind about this dress. I have a DVF habit and I like this print, but I'm not entirely sure about the double-breasted top. My breasts really don't require any doubling action. I wish Diane would just make it into her regular v-neck style.

Please tell me about your current loves and wishes!

Art: Fluttering by JalinePol, Vinings Gallery
Diane Von Furstenberg dress: Neiman Marcus


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. book
    emma by jane austin

    Cousteau- The Last Good Day of the Year. I'm not the only one who likes them, right? <-- nope! i like cousteau too.
    built to spill - "liar"

    frequently worn outfit or item
    iris blue short trench

    azuree soliel

    tofu lettuce wraps from pf changs

    soy white chocolate latte

    guilty pleasure
    eating waaaay too much while home!

    bane of my existence
    i don't have one right now :)

    two interviews on wednesday!

    i just got two items on my wishlist today... mac's "true romantic" beauty blush and clarins uv plus sunscreen. i still need a pair of sandals though!

  3. book
    Birds without Wings by Louis de Bernieres. Highly, highly recommended, heartbreakingly beautiful story about a Turkish village pre and post WWI.

    Stars - Take Me To The Riot

    frequently worn outfit or item
    black pleather pumps from Target, cause I'm too poor to buy the Natalie Portman vegan line

    Estee Lauder Pure White Linen Light Breeze

    Reese's chocolate easter eggs (super super guilty pleasure)

    Naked Mighty Mango fruit smoothie

    guity pleasure
    aforementioned Reese's

    bane of my existence
    my anatomy lab

    75 degree weather!

  4. book - northanger abbey by jane austen (anything by jane austen is my recommendation for when you don't know what to read next, kind of like your basic black dress that never fails to please you).

    perfume - mitsouko this evening, chanel no 5 during the day

    drink - earl grey tea

    song - motzart's clarinet concerto


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