
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Crystal Glass Nail Files

From the "what took me so long to find this?" department.

I have my mom to thank for introducing me to the wonder of crystal glass nail files. She got me a small one, made in the Czech Republic that looks like the OPI one, and I was hooked immediately.

These files do an extremely efficient job in a minimum number of strokes (much healthier for the nail) while leaving it with a perfect silky finish that doesn't snag or split. Another advantage they have is being washable and the fact that unless you drop them on a very hard surface, they'll last forever.

I started research and discovered that you can find them in several sizes, including as a foot file (which I promptly acquired. Next week I'll post a comprehensive review of hoof-care methods), and also colored, hand-painted or blingified, for your inner Kimora Lee. I loved the Betty Boop set.

The one I collected above are available from Sephora, Amazon (do a search for glass nail file. It'll keep you entertained for a while) or . Prices are from $3.99 for a small one to about $40 for a decorated set of three.


  1. Ahh! I adore these! Dave got me a glass nail file as a present, and I can't stop looking at it.


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