
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Currently- Middle Of The Night Edition

I'm reading an odd one: Hide Me Among The Graves by Tim Powers. Historical fiction? Ghost story? Vampires? I'm not really sure how I feel about it, which is probably why I just took a break from reading to type this. Note to self: ghosts and vampires might not be the answer for insomnia.

It's the middle of the night and I don't have the energy to reach for my headphones,  so I'm not listening to anything in particular, but I do have the Queen Of Night aria from The Magic Flute stuck in my head.

I'm wafting all kinds of stuff from earlier today, but I've been mostly wearing Uncle Serge's Bas de Soie. Going to take a shower in an effort to get in a sleepy mode and spray Andy Tauer's Dark Passage.

Freshly scrubbed face, moisturized and serumized. I'm testing something new that promises to give me back my youth. Somehow I doubt I'm helping it by still being awake.

Black yoga pants and a black t-shirt. I'm all glam.

I'm considering a bowl of cereal. I'm up, so I might as well live dangerously.

Bane Of My Existence
Do you even have to ask?

All of a sudden I'm all about pink and orange. Did I just type "pink"? I'm obviously not myself.

The Clarimonde Perfume Project. It's probably the most creative and magnificent writing and perfume collaboration. The fragrances created for it are life-changing. Or at least will change the way many people view perfume.

Other than sleep?

Random Thoughts
1) FedEx tracking shows that my new iPad 3 is in Newark, about 40 minutes away from here. Why, then, is Friday the estimated delivery date?
2) To the person who found my blog by searching for "Queen Elizabeth nude": I don't even want to know what you were thinking. Ever.
3) LOL is not a word. lol is even worse. Using LOLing as a verb is the worst.

How are you doing? Please share what's on your mind, on your agenda and any cure you have for insomnia.


  1. It is 4 am. Drinking black coffee, in order to embrace the insomnia (hate fighting it).
    Perfume: Rumba
    Book: The old man and the sea. Being a Portuguese native speaker I had never read Hemingway, but Woody Allen prompted me to do so.
    Music: Monsueto.
    Bane of my existence: The poshest juice at the local mall is Versace Jeans. I managed to arrange a work trip to the East Coast, with the secret goal of doing some systematic sniffing in my spare time. But the city, Halifax, CA, is totally perfume unfriendly. Can't understand why people like forbidding/being forbid that much. Ugh.

  2. This was entertaining! Sorry you're having a hard time sleeping. I remember when that used to happen to me all the time - it was so irritating!

    I laughed at your use of "wafting". I'm currently wafting nothing but cucumber/watermelon body wash because my boss is EXTREMELY allergic to sent. It sucks, I even have to be careful about hand cream. And it's a real allergy too, not just a sensitivity - I saw her basically stop breathing in a meeting where someone put scented hand cream on. I can't imagine what would happen if I wore perfume!

  3. My book that I'm reading (for the second time, actually) is The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova's own interpretation of the Dracula story. Totally engrossing and one of my favorites so far.

    Music anything Baroque and soothing-work is stressful, we've moved back into our building and people are cranky. Not my issue, but I am staying under the radar.

    Perfume-I find myself craving Bandit and it's sharp leathery goodness. After hearing much discussion on perfume blogs re: vintage chypres, I'm officially on the hunt for Deneauve extrait. I. must. find. some.

    Makeup-I'm on an Ellis Faas kick, red lips and neutral eyes. And I'm biding my time until Edward Bess hits Sephora stores, I understand that will be a limited release but I hope Sf gets him. I'm sunk if we do, actually, his makeup is beautiful.

    Outfit-we're back in our Dean's office, so I get to dress up a bit more at work, which I actually like. At home though, it's my cashmere sleepwear, soft warm and cozy.

    Bane of my existance & food-health issues again, food and my stomach are in disagreement. I do love my juice and tea. I'm craving Almond milk smoothies with spinach, kiwi, apples, ginger and lemon yogurt, believe it or not.

    Anticipation-Jean Paul Gaultier is coming to SF's DeYoung Museum-this week. I seriously have to see this. I haven't been this excited since seeing Frida Kahlo at SFMOMA.

    Wishlist-better health and a royal baby announcement. I can't wait for an announcement. (I'm such a nerd!)

    Random thoughts....I finished my SL Borneo bottle, and have friends currently staying in Paris. Need I say more??

  4. I always enjoy reading your currently posts (note to self: never LOL again). I'm going to have to find that book you're reading. Like Elizabeth, I loved The Historian and wondered if this might be similar. I'm currently reading The Snowman and have found it immensely gripping so far. I'm very much enjoying getting back into reading.

  5. You hate LOL (as do I, by the way), but I hate "authoring" and "gifting" even more. And I'm talking about YOU

    I love your blog. Now get some sleep...

  6. When I cannot sleep, it's usually because I can't get my brain to stop chattering at me. In those cases, I listen to an audiobook, and it completely interrupts my chatter stream. Of course, I end up falling asleep mid-chapter, but I can always rewind the audio file in the morning. This works like a charm for me - I highly recommend it.

  7. When I have insomnia, I first try a yoga relaxtion technique. I use self talk to relax every body part starting at my feet and working up. Nine times out of ten I'm asleep by the time I reach my shoulders. If I get to my head, I know that it isn't working, so off to the living room for boring TV.

  8. Sympathising over this insomnia.

    Can you bear lavender?

    Lots of lavender before bedtime (in the form of tea, bath goodies, and sprayed in the air of the room) usually helps here.

    Good luck with getting your head down.

    All the best, Anna in Edinburgh

  9. RE: Queen of the Night aria. Only Mozart would have the balls to write something like that. Tara's yoga relaxation technique is a good one.


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