
Friday, September 07, 2012

Currently- September 2012

Just finished Wild Boy: My Life In Duran Duran by Andy Taylor. The guy is definitely not a writer, but the story is very interesting for a Duran Duran fan. In fact, I think I might review it here. Next on the Kindle app is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.

Cory Chisel & the Wandering Sons- Calm Down

Too many, but tonight I went to meet the fabulous Francis Kurkdjian wearing his Absolue Pour Le Soir. He was charming. I smelled good.

Kevyn Aucoin everything.

Frequently Worn
Vintage clip earrings. Retro and fun.

Yogurt with everything. The cats approve.

Guilty Pleasure
No guilt here. I've been shopping for my nieces and nephews and it's a huge pleasure.

Bane of My Existence
I get too worked up about politics.

Spending time with old friends and meeting new ones.

Sleeping in tomorrow. Some days that's all it takes.

I'm on the market for pretty fall shoes that are compatible with walking. I think these Fendi Gilda flats fit the bill.
How about you? Please share your thoughts, loves and wishes!

Art: Mulberry Street by Miguel Freitas.
Fendi shoes:


  1. Book: The Twelfth Enchantment by David Liss.

    Music: Beethoven's piano sonatas.

    Perfume: Oranges en Fleur by Houbignant.

    Makeup: Mostly Guerlain this week.

    Frequently Worn: It's been hot this week so light, summery, and casual have been the operative words when getting dressed.

    Food: Fattoush, steamed basmati rice, and grilled kebabs.

    Guilty Pleasure: Lunch at the lake with good friends while my husband stayed at home overseeing the painters working on our house.

    Bane of My Existence: As usual, I live in a no bane zone.

    Joy: Going on walks after sunset when it has begun to cool down.

    Anticipation: Cooler weather! I love autumn.

    Wishlist: I really need a new peacoat. My old one bit the dust last winter.

  2. I'd love to hear about the Francis Kurkdjian event.

  3. Books.....too many, but notable ones include Dearie: The Remarkable Life of Julia Child by Bob Spitz. More extensive than Julia's own My Life In France, but not nearly as sprightly. Well researched, however. Also, Book Lust to Go, by Nancy Pearl. Books for/about travelers, actual and virtual.

    Food: Greek style yogurt, homemade whole wheat bread.

    Fragrance: Iris Gris, while it lasts. Have to reapply every two hours on the hour.

    Hesitation: The digital camera and the blog.

    Joy: My friends and my cat, not always in that order.

    Fear: that the wrong person is elected President. I want Four More Years! (I have more than one good reason to feel this way. The best reason turns a year old on 29 September!)

    Unexpected pleasure: finding another goblet in my crystal pattern at Goodwill, for a Goodwill price!

    Lawrence in Ohio


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