
Friday, April 15, 2016

Currently- April 2016

Career of evil by Robert Galbraith (aka J.K.Rowling), It's the third book in the Cormoran strike series. Quite brutal, but the characters keep developing from book to book, and the lady can write.

The new Andrew Bird album, Are you Serious. I can pretty much pre-order his music without a preview. He's so good.

A bit late to the game, the husband and I finally binged on all four seasons of House of Cards. I get why people love it, and we'll probably keep watching when it comes back, but I don't love it. The current elections aren't helping, but it's not just that. The dialogues and too many of the storylines often feel contrived, and right now I'd just rather have a president written by Aaron Sorkin.

Lots of vintage Caron and vintage Nina Ricci. I've never been this lady-like.

I wore half stripes of false lashes to an event tonight. Pigs are carousing the night skies.

Frequently Worn Outfit/Item
I'm kind of ignoring the temperatures and breaking out spring dresses. Cropped jackets and long scarves make them wearable.

I can live on chocolate milk.

Beauty and Mental Health. So very true.

I'll be baneless after tomorrow's visit to the DMV.

A surge of creativity.

Funky vintage accessories. I've lost a couple of interesting auctions and it made me cranky.

Random Thought
As addicted as I am to HGTV, I can live the rest of my life happily without looking at another gray shaker cabinet door and Wayfair decor.

How are you? What's on your list of loves and banes? Any wishes and recommendations?

Art: John French Sloan, The City from Greenwich Village, 1922.


  1. Book: Lab Girl by Hope Jahren. A brilliant research botanist who can really write. This generation's Lewis Thomas or Stephen Jay Gould.......she's. just. that. good.

    Music: k. d. lang's Hymns of The 49th Parallel. Essential for all fans of Canadian music.

    Most worn/loved item: My new Smartwool socks. No hype.

    Fragrance: Old Spice traded off with Jolie Madame vintage extrait and Aramis.

    Food: Mashed potatoes. Real and faux.

    Joy: Daylight after 5 pm!

    Cranky wondering: Why is Ted Cruz still a candidate? Where are the howls for his birth certificate?

    Wish list. Absolue Pour Le Soir.

    Housekeeping pleasure: Method French Lavender Spray Cleaner. Good stuff!

    Lawrence and Rosa del Gata in Ohio

  2. I have been watching House of Cards since it started, but usually one or two episodes a week till I finish the season. It is very Shakespearean and sometimes I Robin's character reminds me of Lady Macbeth. I don't think it is a good show to binge on because it would be too much that way. My latest perfume is Ostara.

  3. Book
    More Agatha Christie in Spanish (have read seven, eight one on the way).

    Pet Shop Boys, made a chronological playlist to listen to at work. This one out of their latest album Super is hilarious, I get hysterics every time I hear it! The synth riff sounds like one in those godawful 80's Finnish "schlagers", but PSB manage to build a great song around it, and those bits that sound like taken out of a French film balance it.

    Klassinen Suomi - a documentary series about classical music in Finland.

    So far my most worn scent has been De Bachmakov, it fits perfectly this stage of changing season: there are still some spots of snow and ice, yet Spring is definitely coming!

    Green(ish) nails and (pinkish) red lips are going strong.

    Beetroots prepared in many ways, blueberry-cardamom ice cream.

    Bright light and the daily increasing amount of green in the landscape.

  4. Book: Still reading books I rediscovered during my epic spring cleaning. Currently rereading Emma - pure literary comfort food.

    Actual food: Rose petal jam from our farmer's market - sheer heaven. Have also rekindled my love affair with pistachios.

    Perfume: Have been wearing a lot of vintage Baghari, Liu and Diorling.

    TV: Grantchester and the Australian series Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries and Doctor Blake Mysteries.

    Rant: Can't wait till the elections are over this year - bad enough to have to watch on the news a process which leaves me in a state of absolute disbelief and shock, but I find myself also having to live in NC with a governor who continuously is defending HB2. Aaargh! Checking the year on my calendar, making sure I've not entered a sci-fi zone and woken up a who knows how many years back in time.

    Joy: Pure and simple - spring.



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