
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

12 Signs You're Married to a Beauty & Perfume Blogger

We all know that my long-suffering husband has come a very long way. Most spouses of beauty and/or perfume lovers learn to recognize colors like taupe or mauve, gain new relatives like Uncle Serge, and are sometimes go on a hunt for a much-coveted yet elusive palette or highlighter that is rumored to still be available at a distant Sephora. When said obsessive person also blogs about beauty and perfume every day things get slightly more insane. Here's a selection of signs one is married to a beauty blogger:

1. You start using words like "swampy" to describe scents.
2. You can detect a shoddy blending job.
3. At some point you've had a brow product tested on your face.
4. You find yourself at a beauty industry party discussing product packaging. And you actually have an opinion.
5. You can date a sealed vintage Lanvin by the wrapping paper. It's a skill that comes in handy at estate sales.
6. You know that Hada Labo and Chikuhodo are not types of sushi.
7. You recognize Lisa Eldridge's face. And voice.
8. You've been to the upper level at the Serge Lutens Salon in Paris.
9. You know what "Instagram brows" are, and you're thankful your wife doesn't sport them.
10. You may be holding the world record for assembling an Alex dresser.
11. You know the difference between AHA and BHA. You may or may not have a product that contains them. Sometimes you even use it.
12. You once explained what's natural ambergris to your mother. You regretted it.

Image: Andy Warhol: Beauty In the Box for Harper’s Bazaar, July 1962


  1. OMG - "gain new relatives like Uncle Serge" - absolutely laughing out loud from that point on. Brilliant!

    1. I think Serge is his favorite uncle ;)

  2. Hilarious! For some reason this one totally cracked me up : "3. At some point you've had a brow product tested on your face."

  3. At least you can be sure that your home will smell great and your skin will be well tended!

    1. I think he appreciates this aspect more than he's willing to admit ;)

  4. Cute post. I keep giving my fiancé cologne samples, but he never wears them. He doesn't seem to care about my perfume ever except once...I sampled Amazing Grace by Philosophy which I didn't like but got a sample from somewhere and I thought I'd try it and he asked what I was wearing and I told him and was surprised he asked. He then said it smelled like scented toilet paper(anyone old enough would remember that product). I never wore it again.

    1. I kind of like Amazing Grace, but I can see how it would go that way. The synthetic musk there is very home producty. And now I'll always remember the toilet paper remark when I smell it...

  5. This is so funny! I loved No 12!

    1. Neva, that was one interesting conversation.

  6. My husband came into my room yesterday and said casually 'I think we should get you another Alex.' The man gets me. (And yes, my Alex was a wee bit overflowing with stuff...)

    1. Funny that you mention this. The Husband said the same thing the other day. He thinks I need more counter space in the room.

  7. I love this! Found my self cracking up and wishing I could meet both you AND your husband! So cool.

    1. You're very kind, Blanche. Thank you.

  8. I am not a blogger, but I shop like one... and my long-suffering hubby was able to discern between two shades of semi-sheer white nail polish last night. There should be a support group.

    1. Definitely. They can meet at the nearest Guerlain counter.

  9. The Blonde is a gem and a lucky man who has the Non Blonde! Wish you to you both, health and happiness in your life and many many many years enjoyment in what you love! sorry for my bad english...

    1. Thank you so much, Amalia. And you're English is just fine xo

  10. Great post! I really love #12!! I can imagine that conversation. I've been to the Palais Royale but I didn't visit the upper level. Is there a French password to be invited up?

    1. The upper level is where a) they host press and grant interviews (not with the man himself, but with the boutique manager), and b) they have the famous purple restroom. Which I didn't get to use (or photograph).

  11. Wow yeah, now I'curious too! What's on that upper level? How do I get there?

    1. Easiest way: buy a bell jar and request to use the bathroom ;) .


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