
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Gwyneth Paltrow On The Cover Of Self Magazine

Yes, that's Gwyneth Paltrow on the cover of the April issue of Self magazine. I have no idea why the editors at Self Magazine felt the need to do perform this virtual surgery and mesh Gwyneth's face with Cameron Diaz circa 2005. She's unrecognizable, the Just Cavalli (Spring 2013 collection) doesn't match her personal style, and the whole thing gives the total opposite message from what I'd hope to see as a "Gwyneth Paltrow At 40" cover.

What say you?

Photo credit: Matt Jones for Self Magazine.


  1. wow i didnt recognize her at all, what a shame. she doesn't even need all that editing

  2. That's not even what she looked like at 14 when I met, er, waited on her.

  3. Oh she is too old for that teenagers dress - infact, I do not know Self Mag so ... is this magazine for teenagers???

  4. I'm just tired of magazines being astounded that women look good at 40 and above. I mean really, are you supposed to look decrepit if you're over 40?!

  5. Yeah, truly; I saw her in the series about the best places to eat in Spain; no make-up, hair in a ponytail ... gorgeous and every teen would be so jealous of her! Why "the processed look" now? She doesn't need it.

  6. Not a fan of her in general to be honest. She looks like a bad clone of herself here. I do not like the dress either.

  7. I do think she has really improved her posture with exercise. ~~nozknoz

  8. Totally agree - what the heck?! Why edit her face?? She is beautiful as is. And yeah: is it such a surprise that women 40+ years old are beautiful? Ugh. That cover makes me never want to buy that magazine.

  9. I to am not a fan of Paltrow, or Diaz for that matter. But you always wonder if you are really seeing a true picture anymore. There is so much Photoshopping.

  10. I say aye. Why Photoshop an already beautiful woman? Why not show how good a 40-year-old can look, naturally? Maybe women wouldn't fear aging so much. But if they didn't, the cosmetics companies who advertise in these magazines would lose the billions of dollars they make from those searching for the fountain of youth.

    BTW, that dress looks like something Cher wore on TV in the 1970s.

  11. I love that retro dress. Maybe it doesn't work for Gwyneth, but it sure works for me.

  12. The dress looks like something a 12 year old might wear accompanied by plastic pom- poms.
    What an insult to an elegant, healthy 40 year old Gwyneth! Don't even get me started on her hair and make- up.
    Self magazine.... what was your thinking here?


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