
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tom Ford Creme Color For Eyes- Burnished Copper, Spice, Platinum

I know. I'm the last person in the world to drink this particular Tom Ford Kool-Aid. I held out every time Platinum was released as a limited edition, skipped Spice, and just did this:

But after wasting my money on those beautiful yet godawful Charlotte Tilbury Eyes to Mesmerize cream eye shadows I decided that enough was enough, and added Burnished Copper to the aforementioned ones, Spice and Platinum that have been on my list for who knows how long. It appears that the classic colors will become part of the permanent collection, so that's good. I'm hoping for more shades, especially teal and blue ones (Siren Blue for spring 2016 didn't do it for me). Which should tell you that like everyone else, I think these Tom Ford eye shadows are fabulous.

All three colors I got are smooth, ridiculously easy to apply, stay put and shiny for long hours, play well with others, and fulfill their potential and all expectations. They're fluffy to the touch which makes their sturdiness stand out in direct contrast to the Charlotte Tilbury ones. The complexity of each color makes them a great choice for a "one shadow plus liner and mascara" look, and they can be patted on, buffed, or smeared. The nearly metallic finish is sophisticated and flattering. And that's the making of a staple.

Platinum is a  silvery (or platinumed) taupe, Burnished Copper is actually a true olive with tiny gold flecks, and Spice is a delicious bronze-chocolate color that leans reddish-warm. I played with topping Spice with MAC Blue-Brown pigment and loved the intense result. I wore Platinum on Valentine Day (FotD here if you missed it), and have discovered that Burnished Copper looks great with golds and browns (and even with NARS Telesto, a golden brown almost duochrome  kind of thing).

Bottom Line: Better late than never.

Tom Ford Creme Color For Eyes- Burnished Copper, Spice, Platinum ($45 each, made in Italy) are available at select department stores and online. Platinum goes out of stock frequently, but at least now it comes back within weeks.

With thanks to Josie that participated in photographing, swatching, and keeping me sane.


  1. Oh those colours are fabulous but old Tom is super $$$ here! :(

    1. I'm always shocked at the price of cosmetics in Australia. So unfair.

  2. wow, these look gorgeous (something else we are waiting for in Oz LOL) and I’d love to see some pics of the Spice with the Mac blue brown pigment - one of the few I own - that you mentioned.

    1. I'll do that. I'm thinking of a series of bold blue-based looks.

  3. Very pretty. But Tom, why do they have to be so expensive??? ARGH!

    1. Because Lauder needs a super high-end line, and using Tom's name is the best justification for that. Too annoying for words.

  4. I've never pulled the trigger on one of these- they are so beautiful but so expensive- until I saw Sphinx, and I just couldn't stop myself. It looked so lovely and so unlike anything I owned. It's back ordered until March so we'll see if it lives up to expectations. Happily Nordstrom has an excellent exchange policy!

    1. Seeing Sphinx on Joey nearly made me place another order. But I'm trying to be good.

  5. Sarah, Sphinx is DIVINE! I was wearing it while helping Gaia with the photos =)

    Gaia - I'm always glad to be your blog assistant! xoxo

    1. Ooh good! I mean it looks amazing in the swatches but I've never seen it in person. Thanks for the endorsement!

    2. You're very welcome! It has this incredible sort of duochrome and is just so gorgeous. Definitely something you can get a lot of mileage out of as I imagine it'll work with a ton of other colors.

    3. Joey, your room, the Claritin and the cats are always ready for you <3.

    4. Hi Joey, I just received Sphinx and it is so close to my skin tone that only the sparkles show. Was wondering if you put a colour under it to bring out the duo chrome colours? MAC's power eyeshadow Bamboo worked okay but the duo chrome was not as prominent; MAC's paint pot in Rubenesque amplified the colour of each eye product, so good for a dressy occasion.

  6. Haha! I've been doing the same fingers-in-the-ears thing about these TF eye cremes, telling myself I Don't Need Them. But now you've made me want them more... The platinum you wore on Valentine's Day looked gorgeous.

    1. Thank you. All I can say is that getting at least one color is absolutely worth it. It's one of the best products on the market. However, the similar ones from Vincent Longo may give you a very similar experience for a better price, so maybe start there.

  7. I am very new to Tom Ford shadows in cream and powder form. I am an ardent fan of Charlotte Tilbury's eye to mesmerize and particularly like how they can be polished to a metallic finish and have staying power on my oily eyes. I've ordered Platinum and Golden Peach, so will wait to form an opinion on TF eye creams.

    1. I'm glad to hear that the CT ones work for you. I was so sad that the gorgeous colors proved useless for me, so it's great to know this is not a universal issue. Very interested to hear how the TF compare for you.


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